Kristóf Bárdos

At Green Fox Academy we teach future-proof skills for the tech-driven labor market. This is a university-size education center currently with two campuses in Prague and Budapest and growing. We mainly train career changers wanting to become junior developers, moreover, after completing the course, we also help our successful graduates find employment in the IT industry. By June 2019 more than 750 students had been admitted.

Earlier, I’ve spent over a decade in the tech startup scene, while I was founding andclosing startups, working for SMEs and corporations through my product development agency in 3 continents. I also co-founded an accelerator house to bring CEE startups to global markets.

Furthermore, I’m a co-founder of SocialFokus Foundation, which has conducted a comprehensive research on changes in the job market and the future of work. In recent years, I’ve turned my attention towards mentorship and project-based education and the social impact of the ventures.

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