The m-Powering Development Initiative

Digital World 2018 Daily Highlights Day 2

The 2018 report of the m-Powering Development Initiative was issued today at Telecom. This report sets out the great promise of mobile technology and communications that is now opening up to developing economies. Widespread ownership and use of the mobile phone can fast-track progress towards a digital age, transforming the daily lives of millions – especially impacting women, the poor and those in remote and rural areas – and igniting the growth of their economies for the benefit of all. The promise is very real – and importantly, as this report vividly demonstrates, it is within reach. The report constitutes a powerful, hands-on toolkit designed to help developing countries embrace this huge opportunity and step confidently onto the mobile technology highway – and to develop an inclusive digital economy from which all citizens will benefit.

The report is available here:

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Digital World

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