

– H.E. Viktor Orbán, Prime Minister of Hungary,
– H.E. Zhao Houlin, Secretary General of ITU,
– Excellencies, Ministers,
– Distinguished delegates,
– Ladies and gentlemen,

First of all, I wish to express my sincere thanks to the Government of Hungary and the International Telecommunications Union, for inviting us to the ITU Telecom World 2019.

We are here, getting together, innovating together to make a new telecom infrastructure ready for digital economy and digital society.

Telecom is now becoming ICT, and ICT is becoming a new infrastructure for digital world. To make this happen, we need more innovations in technology, in policy and in strategy. This is a long way to go. And we should go together, because as an African saying: if you want to go fast you go alone, if you want to go far you go together.

Green and smart, safe and no one left behind are new directions for our connectivity. Vietnam is always supporting this agenda. We will work together with you to make this happen.

Telecom is now much more than telecom. Telecom is now every thing digital. Internet is now Internet of everything. And that‘s why it is touching every aspect of our life. And that’s why it needs a lot of innovations to create new values, new meaningful values. We share an ITU idea of innovating together to make a new telecom world – a digital world.

A new wave of connectivity is coming. This is connectivity for everyone and everything, everywhere and everytime.

Ladies and gentlemen,

Vietnam, a country with 100 million young population, and with GDP growing about 7% for the last 30 continuous years, is now transforming telecom Infrastructure to ICT. We believe that ICT will be the most important infrastructure of our future society.

This year, Vietnam will announce the national digital transformation strategy, including digital transformation for government, for enterprises and for society. Cybersecurity and digital principles will be a must-condition for this transformation. We are very glad that these topics are also addressed in this Telecom World in Budapest.

Ladies and gentlemen,

We are very happy and honored to host the next ITU Telecom World in Vietnam, in 2020. We will move from Europe to Asia, to Asean. You will enjoy the autumn – the most beautiful season of Hanoi. We look forward to welcoming all of you to beautiful Vietnam, next year.

Together with the ITU and member countries, we will work hard to make 2020 a great year for our global ICT development, promoting cooperation and partnership in our sector.

Finally, I wish the ITU Telecom World 2019 in Budapest a great success!

Thank you for your attention!