2020 Daily Highlights Day 1

Ministerial Roundtable 1: The role of digital technologies during and after the COVID 19 pandemic

Through the terrible experience of the COVID-19 pandemic, the world has learnt first-hand just how indispensable digital technologies are for the functioning of our economies, societies and individual lives. It has also laid bare the stark realities of the digital divide, both between and within developed and developing economies. But the message from the first of the Ministerial Roundtables at ITU Virtual Digital World 2020 is clear – the great challenge of global crisis offers great opportunities for the ICT community to come together and accelerate digital transformation on an unprecedented scale.

In the words of ITU Deputy Secretary-General and session moderator Malcolm Johnson, “Never before has so much reliance been placed on ICTs, and never before have they been so much appreciated.” Digital technologies are a key part of building back better for a safer, more connected and more sustainable world for all – with collaboration and cooperation between governments, private sector companies, universities, regional and international organizations critical to leveraging the full power of ICTs, connecting the 3.6 billion unconnected and accelerating economic and social recovery.

Welcoming the distinguished panel of high-level guests, Nguyen Manh Hung, Minister of Information and Communications of Vietnam, highlighted how “ICTs have proved vital in helping us to adapt and respond to the challenges of living, working and learning remotely, becoming essential to the recovery of our economy and social activities.”  Digital transformation in Vietnam has been accelerated by a new national programme to create a more innovative, resilient and sustainable economy, focusing on institutional reform, cybersecurity and digital platforms. “Moving from the real world to the virtual one is one of the biggest challenges of mankind, and there is a long way to go. But we will go along with ITU and its member states in building the digital world, we will go together as we want to go far.”

ITU Secretary-General Houlin Zhao stressed the importance of cooperation between ICTs and other businesses in accelerating ICT development, based on the four principles of infrastructure, investment, innovation and inclusiveness.  He urged national government authorities to break down silos and coordinate their approach to digitization: “We simply cannot continue to do business as before. Let us seize this opportunity to accelerate progress towards connecting all of humanity. Let us work across borders and sectors to build back better together.”

Deputy Prime Minister of Vietnam Vu Duc Dam stressed the importance of international collaborative efforts such as today’s virtual meeting: “I believe that the Roundtables will significantly contribute to global victory over the pandemic, and technological knowledge, particularly Information Technology, will be utilized for a better world.”

Mohamed Maleeh Jamal, Minister of Communication, Science and Technology, Maldives, echoed the importance of ICTs in facilitating the response to the pandemic, providing information, social and economic activities to citizens throughout the island country even as usages levels doubled. Connectivity was “the most effective tool in keeping people virtually together and physically distant.” Ensuring quality coverage and affordable digital services will be critical to continued recovery, including addressing the significant costs of international connectivity and diversifying an economy largely dependent on tourism, one of the industry sectors most damaged by the global crisis.

In Cambodia, the government strategy for digital infrastructure development, technology adoption and capacity building has been accelerated by the increasing reliance on ICTs for people to stay connected, informed, working, studying and doing business. Puthyvuth Sok, Secretary of State, Ministry of Post and Telecommunications, Cambodia, spoke of the need to introduce a conducive business environment and strengthen financial stability through diversification and innovation. Access and affordability are key, and can only be achieved by attracting investment in digital literacy, 5G and infrastructure. “We are committed to making sure digital technology is accessible and affordable to all to leverage recovery and speed up the economy. Collaboration with international partners is critical in providing technology for all,” he said.

Isa Ali Ibrahim, Minister of Communications & Digital Economy, Nigeria, raised a recurring theme throughout the discussions: how the pandemic has accelerated the implementation of digital transformation progammes and national strategies planned and in place, but perhaps yet to bear fruit. Broadband penetration in Nigeria has increased by ten percent in one year to date, with the country well on track to meet its target of 90% penetration by 2025; and digital technology has sustained government services and operations throughout the crisis with such success that “virtual engagement in federal government activities is now institutionalized”, with increased efficiency and savings in cost and time.

For Stella Ndabeni-Abrahams, Minister of Communications and Digital Technologies, South Africa, COVID-19 has meant everyone, everywhere embracing technology and learning new ways of doing things – such as drones delivering medicines where ambulances could no longer go. The pandemic threw the inequalities of the digital divide into sharp focus, with remote and rural areas facing a real threat to life through lack of connectivity and information, whilst those lucky enough to be equipped with smart devices and broadband have been well positioned to adapt to remote working and schooling. The effect of the pandemic has fast-tracked digital technologies in every government service, but human capital development remains at the heart of economic and social development. Connecting everyone equally cannot be done by any nation alone, she said, urging international collaboration as, “it is time for integration. The time for silo operations is gone. Let us build the digital world as the new world.”

Collaboration is critical for Syria, too. Iyad Al Khatib, Minister of Communication and Technology, Syria, spoke of the need to “unify our efforts under the umbrella of ITU to overcome the consequences of the pandemic and find innovative solutions.” The use of digital technology in health, education and business has been critical, emphasizing the importance of rolling out high speed fixed and mobile broadband to enable quality voice, video and data services.  He highlighted two future areas of particular importance: AI and machine learning in predicting, diagnosing and preventing diseases, and cybersecurity in protecting data, privacy and networks.

Wilfredo González Vidal, First Vice Minister of Communications, Cuba, joined the call for global unity and cooperation in addressing the new challenges of the crisis – and the old ones of digital inequality. Cuba is promoting the use of ICTs as a key pillar to boost the economy and improve quality of life for all its citizens, but, he continued, “We call on ITU to continue to support in ICTs so that we can continue to face the situation and mitigate with solutions.”

Speaking from Finland, Pilvi Torsti, State Secretary from the Ministry of Transport and Communication, agreed that digital technologies had a major role to play in facing and overcoming COVID-19. The Finnish government’s immediate response involved the creation of a working group on digitization to assess the effects of the process as an emergency response, propose measures to speed up recovery and develop legislation to be more favourable to digital societies and businesses post recovery. Digitization, the group noted, took root at scale amongst the population in the course of the pandemic, as daily lives turned online, elderly people learnt to video chat and social lives turned virtual. As in Nigeria, provisional measures have become more permanent as, “the framework to digitize in society was already there – the leap forward pushed changes in the mindset of the people.”

Mirella Liuzzi, Secretary of State at the Ministry of Economic Development of Italy, focused on the need to support micro, small and medium enterprises as the key to economic recovery, renewed production and technical advancement. “Making digital technology more affordable and accessible at national level will bridge the digital divide, allowing industrial progress and social inclusion,” she stated, highlighting how much of Italy’s population lives in small or rural villages where infrastructure and facilities for digital connectivity are critical to face the crisis, provide healthcare solutions and support economic recovery long term. “Implementing digital services is essential to overcome the difficulties of COVID and create conditions for a strong and lasting social economy,” she concluded.

For Isaias Barreto da Rosa, Chairman of the Board, ARME, Cape Verde, “the countries most successful in the fight against the pandemic are those who have relied on adoption of digital technologies and integration of those technologies into policy and healthcare.” But there is a downside to the dominance of digital technologies: the increased use of ICTs has exacerbated the digital divide and increased exposure to cyber attacks. “Our key priority now should be not just connectivity, but meaningful and affordable connectivity for all at this critical time.”

The government of Jordan monitored network usage continuously to support increase in demand as work, education, business, entertainment and social activities moved online en masse. Resiliency was key, explained Dr. Ghazi Al-Jobor, Chairman of the Board of Commissioners and CEO of Jordan’s Telecommunications Regulatory Authority, with measures such as temporary spectrum allocation and licencing changes ensuring network capabilities even as data traffic increased by over 30%. The boom in e-learning and e-commerce that has resulted may lead to those measures becoming permanent, he said, as people recognise the importance of digital technologies: “Next to medical services, I believe ICT has been the greatest help to our country in easing the burden (of the pandemic) and achieving social distancing” – and in growing the economy post-pandemic.

Mongolia’s quick response and effective management of the COVID-19 crisis has proved highly successful, with very low cases of infection and no community transmission at all. Digital technologies were hugely important in bringing this about, stressed Battsengel Bolor-Erdene, Chairwoman, Communications and Information Technology Authority, Mongolia: “COVID-19 is the first pandemic in human history where knowledge has been used on a massive scale to keep people safe, connected and informed at all times.” Mongolia will continue to roll out mobile and fixed infrastructure, narrowing the divide between urban centres and rural, remote areas, and supporting the private sector through credit and tax initiatives. It has also moved 181 of its high-demand government services online in the first stage of a five-year plan to enable citizens to access all documents, paperwork and applications from any device anywhere in the country – efficient, timely and socially-distanced.

“It is imperative that we work together as an international community to ensure all people are connected and respected in the digital age,“ said Keng Thai Leong, Director-General (International Affairs), Infocomm Media Development Authority, Singapore. The pandemic has severely affected lives, economies, global trade supplies and societies but has also brought digital technology into the global spotlight. Technology has been critical to tackling the virus through public health information campaigns and trace and track apps throughout the world, but has also been the source of much mis- and disinformation, with potentially damaging implications for trust between governments, industry and citizens. For Leong, as for Italy’s Liuzzi, fostering the growth of tech SMEs is the key to post-COVID recovery, transforming economies and deepening digital abilities.

Sunil Bharti Mittal, Founder & Chairman, Bharti Enterprises, succinctly summed up one of the session’s key themes: “I am sure we all agree that we would not be able to imagine a world without connectivity during this vital time.” Healthcare and telecoms have emerged as the critical industries worldwide – and the digital ecosystem will only get stronger in the future. “We in the industry will remain steadfast in ensuring the best technology at the most affordable rates to all citizens of the world,” he continued, but government and regulators must provide the right support in terms of taxation policies, spectrum allocation and rights of way if the industry is to deliver on its promise as the provider of what is now clearly seen as an essential service.

Despite the increase in cyber criminality that has accompanied the dramatic upswing in digital usage, Kaspersky CEO Eugene Kaspersky remains positive. As individuals, schools, businesses and industrial services have moved on line, cyber attacks have risen by 20% compared to pre-COVID times – and are focusing more and more on critical infrastructure in governments, industrial systems and the financial sector. Awareness of the potential for cybercrime is critical, but Kaspersky is optimistic that we will benefit from the current crisis in the long term: “We will survive and move to a new cyber world with the 4th Industrial Revolution and new cyber services. We are learning from this, how to work remotely and create new services, and the world in the future will be better.”

Echoing this positivity, Chris Wellise, Chief Sustainability Officer, Hewlett Packard Enterprise, pointed out that, “The disruption of COVID-19 is accelerating the need for agility, adaptability and transformation, not just in terms of the workforce moving online, but in the use of AI and edge to cloud technologies for a more sustainable economic recovery.” Rapid digitalization presents an opportunity to transform resource-intensive sectors with increased efficiency, resilience and reduced resources, speeding up the transition to a low-carbon circular economy.

Marc Vancoppenolle, Global Head of Government Relations at Nokia, highlighted once again how digital technology has become indispensable, with network traffic still at unprecedented highs as people continue to work and study from home.  Accelerating investment in broadband worldwide is essential to support that demand with meaningful connectivity, at the right speed and of the right quality for multiple use cases. “This is an opportunity to accelerate digital transformation, turning businesses into smart factories and future businesses with cloud, advanced analytics and 5G coming into play, “he said. But given the very different demands of new jobs and industries in the near future, “we need partnerships for skills as well as infrastructure” to prepare the workforce, and society as a whole.

The current pandemic has dramatically accelerated digital transformation with the potential for more sustainable and resilient economies and societies – so “let’s embrace that opportunity, and make it happen together.”

Appreciating the session’s wide-ranging and insightful discussions, moderator Malcom Johnson called for more knowledge-sharing, mutual support and collaboration to “move forward to a more sustainable and resilient future, taking forward the use of ICTs to improve lives everywhere and address recovery from COVID-19.”

2020 Daily Highlights Day 1

Bridging the broadband gap: stimulating public and private sectors to connect the unconnected

The digital divide, traditionally interpreted as the distinction between those who have and don’t have access to ICTs and often as a developing country versus a developed country issue, is certainly no new concept. Now, however, the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic has brought a whole new meaning to the term. According to moderator Stewart White, CEO, Akhet Consulting, the divide has shown itself to also be a developed country issue, between those who have and can benefit from digital technologies, particularly broadband, to access information, education, health and news – and those who cannot. Now it has spotlighted these inequalities, will the COVID-19 pandemic act as the ultimate push for action in closing the digital divide?

COVID-19 Catalyst?

Panelists were clear that the pandemic had been a major driver to action, in different ways. According to Patricia Cooper, Vice President, Satellite Government Affairs, SpaceX, it underlined how “our ability to participate in this world is highly contingent on the backdrop of broadband.” This ability to connect is now no longer just a business requirement, it’s also an essential in the home, and traffic patterns have shifted to meet this.  The pandemic has been a major awareness builder, according to Angela Siefer, Executive Director, National Digital Inclusion Alliance. Where once an explanation as to why broadband was important might have been needed, this is no longer the case. It’s accepted as being critical. Progress on digital equity – where communities are able to freely access and effectively use digital technologies – is now “the genie that won’t go back in the bottle.”

The COVID-19 pandemic has certainly demonstrated the essential nature of connectivity, according to Thieu Nam, Country Manager, Qualcomm Viet Nam, Laos and Cambodia, and across a host of areas including health, education or government services. The government of Viet Nam has undertaken a number of measures to actively tackle the pandemic as well as build digital infrastructure, rollout broadband across communities and ensure a nationwide 5G network, as well as working with partners to provide wireless access via affordable smartphones.

The pace of digitalization has accelerated across markets, according to Ralph Mupita, CEO, MTN, with no chance to go back to previous terms, in the opinion of António Nunes, CEO, Angola Cables. The pandemic has also shown the importance of infrastructure to keep the economy rolling.

Barriers to bridging the divide

A lack of connectivity, affordability, and having the right skills in place to adopt and benefit from digital technologies were key stumbling blocks identified by panelists.

The need for connectivity to bridge the digital divide is no longer only a developed/developing country phenomenon, with rural-urban divides opening up even in developed markets. Added into this is an explosion in home-based working which has caused, according to Mupita, a structural shift which wasn’t in evidence pre-COVID-19, meaning that connectivity is no longer required as urgently in financial or educational centres, but potentially more in rural locations.

The digital divide does not exist solely because of access, but also affordability, explained Nguyen Van Yen, Director of Technology and Network Department, VNPT. Affordable access devices are crucial to uptake. With 70% of its customers classified as low income, a key priority for MTN is stimulating the ecosystem to drive affordable handsets. Overcoming low levels of digital literacy is also essential.

Services need to be tailored to the needs and levels of digital literacy of the communities they will serve, explained Nunes, not just rolling out the same services to rural areas that are designed for cities. In terms of online education – an area which has become increasingly essential during the pandemic – the teachers need to be taught first before they can teach the children. And it is not just in education that the pandemic has put people across the world into roles which must now be provided online and for which they may now need new skills.

Closing the gap

Effective public/private partnerships, the right incentivization, the right technology and embracing players from across the industry ecosystem were key solutions put forward by panelists to bridge the digital divide.

Speakers agreed that public/private partnerships were essential in bridging the digital divide, but need to be effective and work for everyone. According to Mupita, the real conundrum in establishing partnerships is “the path through the next decade”. Investors need stability agreements, or a “social contract” so that they can look at a project over a 20 year time frame, backed by the appropriate enabling environment. According to White, governments setting particular targets, such as universal access within a short timeframe, need to work out how to make this affordable, and this is where incentives are needed. And these need to be then right incentives, pure commercial pressure to meet incentives does not work.

Joining the session as a panelist, ITU Secretary-General Houlin Zhao explained how he had taken part in the recent G20 meetings, where ICT is considered as an essential tool. ICT is a “profit-making business,” he explained, but must be supported, not just have money taken from it. Private sector investment is crucial for this, but authorities “need to create a good environment which will attract private sector investment.” Reducing infrastructure costs should be seen as a joint public and private sector objective.

Cooper called for a “recognition of the sense of urgency” on the part of all stakeholders. If there is a pressing need to connect, a technology that can reach, and a provider who is willing to invest then we should not add additional complexity to efforts to get to more citizens.

The right technology is also key to closing the gap. In recent years deploying mobile broadband has helped increase penetration, according to Nam, and a Viettel-supported project has helped provide fiber access to schools. VNPT has used mobile technologies in rural areas even providing access via drones or balloons in remote areas. The type of technology deployed, according to Nunes, will follow the demands of customers. In rural areas this could be via satellite, which works well in remote areas but in cities a mix of wireless and cable networks may be more appropriate. The right technology also needs to be backed by availability of relevant online, local language content.

Efforts to bridge the digital divide must incorporate all players across the industry ecosystem, including SMEs, who are rich sources of innovation and can offer a lot of talented ideas, according to ITU’s Houlin Zhao.

Summing up, Nunes noted that one point of change is how we now acknowledge each other. This is an inventive sector, said Cooper, we can solve a lot of problems and do good. Nam and Van Yen echoed the importance of public private partnerships, with the right incentives for governments and private sector, added Mupita. The solutions must tackle adoption, as well as availability, said Siefer, concluding the session.

2020 Daily Highlights Day 1

National Pavilions showcase innovation and opportunity

Digital skills and education, the importance of public-private partnerships, a thriving tech startup environment and a focus on cybersecurity – key elements on display in the National Pavilions from around the world exhibiting online at ITU Virtual Digital World 2020.

Digital innovation is part of the national DNA in Finland – the country which brought us SMS, 5G and the Linux operating system. Finland’s success is built on active public-private sector cooperation, excellent education and digital capacity development, and a dynamic startup scene. With the highest number of digital startups per capita in the world and a culture of early adoption, it is a natural testbed for innovative global solutions.

Some of those on display in the virtual exhibition include Oivan’s network management system and cybersecurity solution; the PriveTX multi-purpose, high-security mobile device for critical voice, messaging and file transfer; and the Satel XPRS wireless router, a market leader in spectrally-efficient  mission-critical applications. And Finnish expertise is showcased in Omnitele’s future technology studies on 5G network evolution trends, spectrum analysis and data-driven predictive diagnoses.

Cuba’s digital sector is focused on software development, including products, services and applications for industry, business and society. The National Computerization Program is a central pillar in the country’s economic and social development strategy, with a strong emphasis on highly-skilled technical education and human capital. Cuba’s virtual pavilion highlights talent in the biotechnology industry and technical cooperation through ETI, health informatics specialists Oftel, software development company Desoft, and GEIC, a highly-experienced communications company committed to ensuring access to the information society is a universal right.

Connected Cambodia is the motto of the Ministry of Post, Telecommunications and ICT sectors in the Kingdom of Cambodia – and its vision is effective network infrastructure and accessible services to stimulate socio-economic development in the country, region and world. Its virtual pavilion features innovative solutions such as agritech firm SmartFarmAssistance, enabling soil measurements and remote irrigation by mobile phone; digital travel app BookMeBus; Osja Studio, the first Cambodian game development studio providing high-quality gaming experiences for mobile devices; and fintech specialist Bongloy, focused on open API for card issuance and digital payment infrastructure throughout Cambodia and South East Asia.

Innovation, technical excellence and digital talent are in abundance in this global virtual exhibition – open for a month online, generating contacts, ideas and opportunity.

2020 Daily Highlights Day 1

Digital technologies on show at ITU Virtual Digital World 2020

From video streaming to web and videoconferencing, connectivity solutions, cloud service providers and smart TV or fintech solutions, visitors to the ITU Virtual Digital World exhibition were invited to virtually discover a host of different products, services and applications from some 100 major corporates, countries and SMEs alike.

Highlights from Viet Nam’s dynamic digital tech sector include an interactive journey through IoT- powered products such as smart TV from Vinsmart, the VBees AI-based text to speech platform, system integration service provider Sao Bac Dao Telecom, Saigontourist Cable TV’s products, e-banking solutions from VPBank and golfing tech provider e-golf, to name just a few.  Visitors can also explore ICT opportunities in the Da Nang city region and its tech park, and get up to speed on start-up sectors in Viet Nam, and France, including La French tech.

The virtual exhibition includes a 3D journey through Viettel’s B2B, B2G and B2C solutions, VNPT’s product portfolio, service and solutions from provider CMC, Bkav’s security, AI and smart home products and FPT’s digital transformation services. Also on show are innovations such as a virtual bus tour of Cambodia, Viet Nam and Thailand from online bus, taxi and ferry booking service Bookmebus, internet streaming VR services delivered by Republic of Korea-based AfreecaTV Co, and Asian region fintech Fin2B showcasing its invoice financing platform.

Major corporates including Cisco, Hitachi, Huawei, Intel, KT, Qualcomm, Microsoft, NTTData and ZTE feature web conferencing platforms, cloud and enterprise solutions, smart grid, 5G and network solutions –  and much more.

Why not visit the virtual exhibition and see for yourself? You can access the exhibition here, pass by each booth, discover their products and services, download key info and white papers and meet the teams!

2020 Daily Highlights Day 1

Opening of ITU Virtual Digital World 2020

ITU Virtual Digital World 2020 was officially launched with the push of a button, during a vibrant opening ceremony webcast live via the event website. The ceremony took place in the presence of the Deputy Prime Minister of Viet Nam, Vu Duc Nam, Nguyen Manh Hung, Minister of Information and Communications, Viet Nam and included a special video message from Houlin Zhao, Secretary-General, International Telecommunication Union.

A distinguished audience at the ceremony comprised Ministers, representatives of diplomatic missions, media and other invited guests.  They were able to get a preview of the virtual exhibition, which comprises companies and countries from around the world, including some 3D stands. The ceremony introduced some key themes of the event including the unprecented challenge posed by the COVID-19 pandemic and the role of digital technologies during and after this pandemic, 5G and the digital transformation in Viet Nam. It also highlighted the ITU Digital World name, chosen to underscore the importance of digital technologies in today’s telecoms and ICT ecosystem.