ITU Digital World 2021

ITU Digital World is the leading UN tech event for government, industry and SMEs. Connect, explore what’s driving digital transformation, share knowledge and ideas.

Given the ongoing uncertainties around the global COVID-19 panic, our 50th anniversary event is going virtual. Forum debates, SME Awards, and exhibition elements will take place online from September to December - with SME Masterclasses running from June.

More details on the virtual exhibition organized by our co-host, the Government of Viet Nam, will will be available soon.

ITU Digital World 2021 is free and open to anyone interested in the world of tech. Join us from September to benefit from:

  • Our global platform bringing together public and private sector leaders, major industry players, tech SMEs, countries and organizations
  • High-level debates led by experts on the core issues affecting the ICT sector – and driving digital transformation
  • Sharing knowledge and best practice across emerging and developed markets
  • UN recognition and international visibility for innovative tech products, technologies and solutions in the SME Awards programme

Ministerial Roundtable

Public and private sector leaders explore how digital transformation can be facilitated – and funded. The policy-makers and decision-takers shaping our digital world share their knowledge.

Virtual Forum

Join experts from industry,  governments, and international organizations for the very latest thinking and developments in digital transformation. From satellites, spectrum and future networks to 5G, AI, cybersecurity, digital skills and sustainability.


Sponsorship options

A unique opportunity to raise the profile of your company or organization with our influential audience through online visibility, promotional materials, speaking in a Forum debate – or even adding a co-hosted session to the programme.

SME Masterclasses

A series of free expert-led masterclasses providing SMEs from around the world with access to business skills development, capacity building, funding and investment strategies: practical and inspirational.

SME Awards

Tech SMEs are critical to ICT industry growth and socio-economic development throughout the world. Our SME Awards recognise the best and most innovative tech solutions changing the world for the better.


More information on showcasing your company, country, project or products online at ITU Digital World 2021 will be available here soon.