
“The Trojan Horse micro particle theory” – Relation PM2.5 vs COVID19


The COVID19 virus has affected 203 countries and territories around the world and 2 international conveyances: the Diamond Princess cruise ship harbored in Yokohama, Japan, and the Holland America’s MS Zaandam cruise ship. shows information which HIDES a BIGGER EXISTING THREAT: 2.5 micro particle TROJAN HORSES of COVID19

THE ICCT Report – The PM2.5 problem is primarily a European problem. Reduced to the population, 9 out oof the first 10 champion cities in the number of deaths linked to PM2.5,  are European.

“Paris had the ninth-highest fraction of deaths from air pollution attributable to transportation emissions in 2015 among major cities worldwide. The ten worst, in order, were Milan, Rotterdam, Turin, Stuttgart, Mexico City, Leeds, Manchester, London, Paris, and Cologne”.

ANALYSIS – THE RATIO per Million is the reference point”

The world shows a ratio of 9.6 deaths / 1M pop. The above table trigger 2 things directly in line with the COVID-19 spread vs ratio of deaths per million of habitants.

  • The COVID-19 death per country and per city is perfectly aligned with the 2.5PM pollution ratio as shown within the ICCT report
  • The most polluted cities and countries in Europe

This could correlate as to why Europe is a COVID-19 principal cluster.

CONCLUSION – « PM2.5 micro particle pollution & Virus propagation »

As this theory is proven, COVID-19 is finding a solid ground in polluted areas, becoming “AIR Carried” with the potential to restart with human activity

Immersion4 DTMTM technology benefits –

Immersion4 DTMTM is the first technology which has ZERO GHG & C02 nor particle of any size emissions. Combining the technologies “Smart & Clean Datacenter” and Clean’Air equipped with GPS-accurate Pollutrack’s laser micro sensors will give the Community the ability to act in order to lower the level of pollution to which populations have been exposed for years.

Drastically reduced energy consumption, full recovery of excess energy, occupied space optimization and permanent control of indoor and outdoor air quality, make Immersion4 the pioneer of what will become the standard of modern eco-responsible Datacenters, considering that both energy and air quality issues are crucial and intrinsically intertwined.

From the manufacturing phase, Immersion4 DTMTM technology enables to design Datacenters of all capacities without GHG & CO2 emission and water consumption. It allows a reduction of 70% of energy consumption, up to 6 times smaller floor space with a recovery of almost all digital heat dissipated by the servers.

The very concept of Datacenter is thus reinvented, allowing its distribution and integration within all environments including urban with very high density. No need to use dedicated buildings or data room anymore. Upfront sizing & decommissioning of Datacenters are no longer necessary.


We are entering in a complete new era where we will need to rethink the creation of solutions based on the principles of Eco-conservation and environmental conservation demonstrating the optimization Energy & Volume without altering air quality traditionally inherent to any urban & industrial site in other to preserve the human race and the biodiversity.

COVID19 has shown the weakness and strength of our world and it is time to rethink a society based on Eco conservation & Environmental conservation.

Immersion4 Is the world leading Ecosystem created from the very beginning based on these principles.

This is a major breakthrough in the creation of solutions based on the principles of Eco-conservation and environmental conservation demonstrating the optimization Energy & Volume without altering air quality traditionally inherent to any urban & industrial site.

By Digital World

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