Archives: Timeline items
ITU Telecom World 2003 (Geneva )
Helping the world communicate
Innovative wireless Internet applications and mobile devices with in-built digital and video cameras dominated showcases at ITU Telecom World 2003. Other key themes reflected at the event included extending the reach of telecommunications into developing markets, with calls for the industry to look to the future and provide affordable services backed by regulation to facilitate growth. The Forum tackled issues from broadband and mobility, to new business models and new sources of revenue.

World Telecom 83 (Geneva)
Telecommunications for all
National pavilions from across the world joined TELECOM in 1983, which also saw the first appearance of China and AT&T at a TELECOM event. The Forum was in three main parts, with three different themes, covering the managerial, technical and legal aspects of telecommunications. A key discussion area was ISDN networks, at that time under consideration as the worldwide information highway.
World Telecom 71 (Geneva)
Message to XXIst Century
ITU Telecom World started out life in Geneva in 1971, with “a message to the 21st century”. In 1971 ICT was all about telecoms; voice over a fixed infrastructure, run by national operators out of government departments. Innovations included switching and transmission equipment, videophones, audio-visual equipment and television studios, communications or research satellites.
ITU Virtual Digital World 2020 (Virtual Event)
Building the Digital World. Together.
ITU Telecom World went virtual – in response to the ongoing global COVID-19 pandemic – and took on a new name to reflect the range of technologies and stakeholders in the industry ecosystem: ITU Digital World. Held online with co-hosts Viet Nam, ITU Virtual Digital World 2020 included Ministerial Roundtable and Forum debates on the impact of the pandemic, 5G and broadband networks, as well as a virtual exhibition.
ITU Telecom World 2011 (Geneva)
Pathway to a connected world
By ITU Telecom World 2011, which took place in Geneva, the focus had moved towards debates and forums, with a Forum programme featuring new streams such as the Digital Cities programme and an in-depth Technical Symposium for CTOs and Engineers. The show floor highlighted opportunities in emerging markets across Africa, Asia, the Middle East and Eastern Europe.