ITU Telecom World  2009 (Geneva)

Open networks, Connected minds
Forging top-level strategies aimed at harnessing the power of technology to enhance our global wellbeing were the focus of ITU Telecom World 2009 in Geneva. Key topics explored on the Show Floor and at the forum included mobile broadband growth, m-payments, cybersecurity, extending access to ICTs and the challenges of regulation in a fast-changing environment.





Telecom 99 + Interactive 99 (Geneva)

The internet goes mobile
Telecom 1999 highlighted one of the most major trends in this era; the convergence of the internet with mobile technology. Innovations on show included a prototype smartphone, WAP (wireless application protocol) applications, the first steps towards a mobile Internet. The Forum encompassed 5 summits and combined sessions, focussed on areas such as Connected society, policy & regulatory or disaster mitigation and relief




World Telecom 79 (Geneva)

Electronic telephone switching emerges from industry collaboration
Engineering had advanced rapidly in the run up to Telecom in 1979. Innovations included the collaborative British exhibit “System X”, which made its debut as an electronic telephone switching system. Cutting edge audio-visual equipment of the time helped simultaneously deliver Forum discussions, interviews and showcases in the Exhibition to external audiences.