
The question is not how to get your innovative ideas, but how to forget old things

Partnering to provide healthcare to the worldThis is a quote from Dee Hock, founder of Visa. There are few areas in our lives where this idea would be as true as it is for information technology and telecommunications within that. In the digital world, old and new come after another so rapidly, something that is new today becomes obsolete at such speed, and is almost in a moment replaced by something even newer, that we do not even know where to look. Changing our approach and “reprogramming” our brains with such a pace, always thinking openly and innovatively, present a great challenge to the most creative professionals as well. As Minister of Development in the Hungarian Government I am therefore happy that Budapest will host the ITU 2015 conference celebrating its 150th anniversary this year. It is an honour for our country to contribute to the global joint thinking of many thousands of players in the global telecommunications industry not only as a host but as an active participant as well.

Bringing together the professionals and decision-makers of 193 member countries for a useful and forward looking exchange of views and creating the possibility to share experience of the widest possible range and to establish relationships are a great challenge. With organising the ITU Telecom World conference this year, Hungary has sought more than that: we would like to show the world the innovative side of our country and to present results achieved here in the telecommunications and ICT industries and to raise the interest of global IT professionals and market players.

One of the main topics of the event is the smart city, i.e. the illustration of the digital trends of urban services (transport, health care, public services, cultural life) that are becoming stronger in Hungary as well. Smart city solutions organically fit to the most comprehensive information communication development project in the history of Hungary, the Digital Hungary Programme. As host of the conference, one of our most important goals is to present this programme which will place the entire information communication environment in Hungary on a new foundation, based on four pillars, which are superfast internet, e-administration, digital skills and digital economy, by 2020.

ITU Telecom World 2015 will also focus on small and medium sized enterprises and startup companies, in line with the idea that, besides the important presence of well-capitalised international corporations, it is the success and the ideas of our young innovators that serves as the driving force and the key to competitiveness for Hungary as well. Finally, in close connection to the previous topic, we consider the integration of future digital generations into the international ICT industry as particularly important during this year’s exchange of experiences. The last day of the conference, Next Generation Day, will therefore be free to attend for students of higher education.

If we talk with each other we can learn from each other. If we listen to each other, we can learn from that as well. We welcome every participant to ITU Telecom World 2015 in Budapest and wish you fruitful conversations and successful encounters substantiating future directions!

By Digital World

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